Couple Beaten and Tased on their Night Out

About us

civil rights violation - DUI Violated

This is the worldwide headquarters of DUI Cop Abuse.  This is the place where you come to defend your life and way of life against unjust, brutal, immoral, racial and appalling arrest, enforcement, incarceration, punishment and Federal and state level judicial abuse.  The amount of cop abuse against all Americans in this country is truly unacceptable. We know that the vast majority of DUI arrests prevent NO danger to the public whatsoever! Unless we expose and fight back against this criminal level of enforcement, nothing will ever change. We are the not so silent minority fighting back against all DUI abuse. We stand tall. We don’t bow down to corrupt judicial systems. Welcome to the #DUICopAbuse #FightFamily !

Our Mission

Here to get the word out about police brutality, immorality and abuse. It happens every single day in America, and we’re sick and tired of it. Come join the FightFamily and share your own experiences with abuse from cops and courtsI We will do our best to interect with you and SHARE your vital data.

Our Vision

This is the FightFamily against DuiCopAbuse and our Vision is pretty much self explanatory. We are fighting back against abusive DUI laws and enforcement. This has gone way too far and it will be up to us to turn the tide. How about kicking their asses in the courtrooms? We will turn their methods against them!